But it also suggests a more peaceful model of intercultural living in multiethnic and multicultural Baku, a melting pot of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Recent research by the American journalist Tom Reiss revealing the identity of the author as Lev/Leo Abramovich Nussimbaum (1905-1942), a Jewish man born in Baku who converted to Islam, worked as a journalist in Berlin, and died forgotten, has spurred new interest in the novel, as has the fact that it prefigures today's conflict between East and West/Islam and Christianity. It was a major success, translated into several other languages, but was quickly forgotten when World War II began. "Ali and Nino" is a novel published in German in 1937 under the alias "Kurban Said," a love story between a Muslim man and a Christian woman set in Baku, Azerbaijan during World War I and the country's brief independence.